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HUSTLER is driven to make the freedom to pursue and share knowledge a right for all.

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HUSTLER Right to Speak E-Courses

Schooling individual rights.

E-courses in partnership with professionals specialized in law introduce middle and high school students to the importance of individual rights in school, the workplace, and in the dig-
ital landscape.

The Right to Speak e-courses reinforce HUSTLER’s mission of supporting freedom of expression by giving access to a supportive platform to give access to crucial information typically not available to this group.

To further the accessibility of these courses and align with any individual's unique schedule, courses are available through live online class
or prerecorded seminars.

The HUSTLER Right to Speak e-courses will be accessible and understandable from a sixth grade reading level to allow better inclusion of all in the conversation and education surrounding the law and individual rights.

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Prerecorded content allows students of all ages and stages to participate and learn about their freedoms.


One-on-one instruction is also available for students who'd like additional support.


E-course instructor prepares for a virtual meeting with their students.

Planned Parenthood Co-Branding

Sex ed for whoever and all who need it.

Young people are limited in their access to sex education based on where they live in the United States. If their state doesn’t consider quality sex education to be worth funding or teaching in schools, they resort to teaching one another, referencing Google or influencer accounts.

Cobranding with Planned Parenthood supports the mission to protect freedom of expression and information through allowing easy access or distribution of key sex education that many people of all ages benefit from in emotional and physical ways, allowing them to take charge of their lives.

HUSTLER’s contribution to this co-branding would include sharing information and stories with Planned Parenthood clients via events about sex education. HUSTLER would support Planned Parenthood's curriculum development and emphasize the importance of consent, pleasure and support in healthy relationships.

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Accessible sex education for a wide range of ages is possible with Planned Parenthood and HUSTLER.

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A volunteer sports cobranding swag.

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Inclusive programs for all gender identities and sexual orien-
tations are a priority for this cobranding.


Fact-checking browser extension to analyze your news sources.


Determine if what you’re reading is fact or fake. HUSTLER Source tracks where the information in your articles comes from, so you can determine if they’re a trusted source or worthy of the digital trash bin.

HUSTLER Source reinforces our mission to let
you live life by your own rules by providing you the power to track article sources and decide
for yourself what you care to keep in your inbox or news feed.

HUSTLER Source doesn’t just send everything to spam and let you sort out the rest. This service allows you to track the threads of information and determine trustworthiness of each news provider or publication. Use the browser extension everywhere from Facebook to your favorite news website.

HUSTLER Source extension appears on social media posts, helping you check sources before opening
the article.

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A man taps the HUSTLER Source icon on his phone to find sources of a recent news article.


HUSTLER Source gives you the tools to track down news sources from your browser extension.

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